What ODOT is Spraying on Hwy 66
The Greensprings community is fortunate to have a good relationship with ODOT. We recently reached out to their Public Affairs official, Gary Leaming, to ask about what ODOT is spraying. Here’s his reply.
We use Magnesium Chloride as our deicer on state highways as a pretreatment to keep ice from bonding to the pavement. It’s basically a brine from the Great Salt Lake and is used as one of the tools to keep motorists safe, especially on mountain highways like Oregon 66. You can read more about our winter practices and equipment.
As part of a comprehensive Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) program, we use highly regulated herbicides sparingly when vegetation is actively growing to help maintain drainage on shoulders and where sight distance is compromised. Our applicators are licensed to apply the material according to Oregon Department of Agriculture standards. We also maintain a permit with Oregon DEQ to prevent herbicide applications within 3 feet of streams, rivers and actively flowing ditches. If you would like more on this topic, I’d encourage you to talk to our IVM statewide manager, Will Lackey, 503-986-3010.