What We Do
Friends of the Greensprings (FOG) represents a diverse community in southern Oregon. We are a non-profit 501© 3 corporation started in 1986 by residents of the Greensprings area in response to a proposed 500 KV power line routed along the California/Oregon border. FOG succeeded in preventing it from diminishing the local environment. Since then, FOG has evolved in response to the needs of our community and environment.
More about FOG’s History and Projects
In prior years, FOG has applied for and received granted funds to study the Emigrant Creek and Keene Creek watersheds. These baseline studies contain the information on the state of the watersheds and make recommendations on how to correct identified problems. These grants also provided funds for a wildlife survey in both watersheds. FOG has applied for and received grant money to help pay citizens to do clear brush and thinning projects around their homes. (Oregon law now requires that you maintain a defensible space surrounding your home. Make sure you are in compliance.) FOG maintains a sizable fund at the Oregon Community Foundation to augment the BLM-Ashland Resource Area funds to repair, if needed, Little Hyatt Lake Dam. FOG also continues to monitor compliance of Jackson County Planning Department rules and the Oregon State Land Use rules.
FOG has developed a working relationship with many state and federal agencies and has demonstrated over the years that our input is well reasoned and that FOG expects to be taken seriously. FOG monitors land management plans and decisions on private lands and on The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument lands. FOG also pays half of the plowing cost to keep Hyatt Access Rd. open during the winter months. The plowing is contracted to ODOT while the road belongs to BLM. BLM’s refusal to plow this vital artery has lead to this funding partnership.
FOG strongly supports our new all-volunteer Greensprings Rural Fire District (GRFD). FOG commends all the hard work that has gone into getting volunteers trained and equipped and all the dedication our neighbors have shown by attending meetings, writing grants, securing equipment and accepting board positions. During the past several years FOG has gone into semi-hibernation in order for the new fire district to take the limelight and therefore generate donations and volunteer support. GRFD is now on a firm footing, so FOG will now come out of hibernation. If you want to take part in this effort please leave a message on the FOG answering machine.
FOG’s focus is in fostering communication links between citizens, so that neighbors can help each other in times of need. We publish the Greensprings Directory in an effort to keep the information flowing. If you are interested in being part of this community decision making process, FOG looks forward to working with you. Your participation and financial support is welcome.